Thank you once more for your trust in Becom. We are very happy to welcome you as a Business Partner and help you to fulfill your needs in the e-commerce industry. To finalize our partnership we would love to receive and give you some more information.
Welcome, you’re in as a Becom Business Partner
Next steps
- After finalizing the obligatory administration we would love to announce you as a new business partner
- In our newsletter
- On Social Media
- From this moment on, we publish your partnerpage on the en your logo will be included in the partner banner is all global communication
- Together in the onboarding meeting we choose a speaking slot. Do you prefer a Friday Snack or a Podcast?
- You can start sending us relevant content which we can share with our community via our Newsletter, Social Media and on our WIKI.
Let’s get this started!
Create or update your partner info by delivering us the right input
Upload input for your partnerpageCONTENT
Deliver content (whitepapers, tips&tricks,…) for us to share with our e-commerce community
Deliver contentSUBSCRIBE
Subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll keep you informed about upcoming events, our monthly newsletter and other relevant info.
Dutch Newsletter French NewsletterGet in touch!

Katrien Mooijaart
Partnership Manager
If you have any questions about the partnership or opportunities within, contact Katrien

Rik Lagey
Business Development Manager
Renewal of the partnership or in need for upgrading your partnership, contact Rik.

Marie-Pascale Vandekerckhove
Event and Communication Manager
Want to organize your speaker slot at one of our events or in need to have a look at your content, contact Marie-Pascale.