Ce Black Friday se présente comme le plus grand jamais enregistré en Belgique C'est tout à fait possible en ligne :-) Surtout en cette veille du plus gros Black... read more →
Torfs, Farmaline, AS Adventure et Smartphoto sont également primés Les consommateurs récompensent 15 boutiques en ligne belges Ekeren, le 23 septembre 2020 - 15 boutiques en ligne belges ont été... read more →
Communiqué de Presse: Plus de 15 millions d’articles sont désormais disponibles en Belgique francophone via l’application. La célèbre application bol.com, filiale d’Ahold Delhaize, est dès aujourd’hui disponible en français pour... read more →
Parce que tout part à l'étranger évidemment ! C'est la réponse qui vient immédiatement à l'esprit, mais qui néglige cependant un aspect important. Remontons quelque peu le temps. Il y... read more →
How to select the right digital partner? In selecting the right digital partner for your business there are a number a key questions you need to ask yourself. It important... read more →
How to make Black Friday a succes for your webshop? Black Friday is the opportune moment for you business to increase transactions and generate sales. By incorporating a set of... read more →
How can I increase my conversion in the checkout? Increasing conversion rates at the checkout are an important step that many businesses often overlook. Cart abandonment is a real thing... read more →
Webshop security is a hot topic! How safe is shopping? In this day and age, the market is full of webshops. Therefore it's important for webshops to have sufficient security. Securing your... read more →
Social media: How to stand out in a world of algorithms At this moment in the social media world, it's imperative to get ready for an engagement-based future. Businesses need... read more →
5 Indicators That Your Webshop is Ready for E-fulfilment E-fulfilment may be a solution for you and your webshop business if at least 3 of the 5 indicators apply to... read more →