DPDgroup shines light on the rapidly changing landscape of online shopping in Europe in a new E-Shopper Barometer report. In the first and most extensive report to focus on online... read more →
Google, In The Pocket and Ingenico challenge you to design the best shopper experience and increase conversion in the Payment Moment of Truth by using the latest technologies, both online and in-store.... read more →
Le numérique s'impose désormais comme la norme. Toutefois, le cloud et le mobile font oublier à l'utilisateur que derrière chaque activité numérique se cache de la puissance de calcul, du... read more →
Vous utilisez bien entendu une connexion HTTPS lorsque vous permettez à vos clients de régler leurs achats sur votre boutique en ligne. Mais saviez-vous que HTTPS est en fait devenu... read more →
The rise of eCommerce has changed retail forever. In this new white paper, Ingenico ePayments explores how some of the world’s leading luxury brands successfully transitioned to online sales. TRANSLATE... read more →
We are happy to share the results of the first research driven e-commerce awards in Belgium. Discover the insights of the study conducted by WHY5research on more than 2200 Belgian consumers. Download... read more →
Hooked. That’s what I want to be. I love websites and applications that are so good I can’t resist using them every day. Multiple times. And miss them when they’re... read more →
Buying it without needing it Recognize this? You walk out the store with a new iPhone and you’re feeling great. You can’t wait to get home, unpack and fiddle with... read more →
According to an EU-survey of 2014, only 12% of EU retailers sell online to consumers in other EU countries, while three times as many do so within their own country.... read more →
Blog about your audience’s questionschannels Keep a list of questions you receive from prospects and clients, and use it as an inspiration source for your blog posts. Some people will... read more →